I am an engineer at WhatsApp, the largest messaging app. My work is focused on Erlang/OTP, performance and scalability.
I am WhatsApp ambassador in Erlang community, board member of the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation, and CodeSync speaker.
Core Infrastructure Lead, 2017-present
Enabled scaling from 1B to 2.5B users and beyond. Redefined service discovery for WhatsApp, and then for all Erlang/Elixir users (contributed pg upstream). Solved Erlang cluster scalability problems and productionized cluster connectivity over TLS.
Created WhatsApp in a BEAM, an instant way to bring up a new instance of WhatsApp server. It revolutionized development processes, end-to-end and integration testing.
Converged internal OTP fork with upstream, and harnessed Erlang updates with Continuous Integration. This enabled 25% server footprint reduction for WhatsApp, and opened the door for open source contributions.
Introduced and scaled build and test tooling, enabling type-checking and third-party integrations.
Created and open sourced power_shell, production debug tool that became de-facto standard for white-box unit testing at WhatsApp. Another project, erlperf, often named standard micro-benchmarking tool for Erlang.
Redesigned WhatsApp server configuration pipeline, reducing multiple legacy systems to a single unified approach.
Trained a fantastic team.
Software Engineer, 2016-2017
Designed and implemented CLI (Command Line Interface) to access production machines. The successor, argparse, became de-facto standard for Erlang/OTP.
Implemented global partitioned circuit breakers (gating) for all services.
Succeeded with seamless migration from bare-metal FreeBSD deployment and OTP 16 to Linux containers with OTP 20.
Founding member, 2018-present
Founding member since the original announcement in 2019. Re-elected in 2021 and 2022.
Active contributor of Security, Build & Packaging, and Infrastructure working groups.
NetAlliance Pty Ltd (acquired by MelbourneIT)
Software Engineer, 2010-2016
Designed, implemented and made netfleet.com.au to be Australia’s leading platform for expired domain drop catching.
Prepared for launch in New Zealand and India.
System Analyst, 2009-2010
Delivered requirements and technical specifications for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8.0.
Program Manager, 2008-2009
Shipped Parallels Virtual Automation 4.5
Prepared for Parallels Virtual Automation 5.0 launch.
Architect, 2006-2008
Delivered specifications for core components (VM and Container templates, Security, Audit, Infrastructure Management, Power Panel Policies, ISO image library, Licensing, Hypervisor Virtualization Support).
Software Developer, 2005-2006
Designed and implemented major components of Parallels Infrastructure Manager 4.0.
Prior experience available on request.
The other side of me
I am passionate about Erlang and the entire BEAM ecosystem. I love my job and my family. But I need something else keep mental sanity. Join me in the sky!